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Philanthropy today in Rome? Between listening and passion

(Ilaria Dioguardi on Vita interviews Stefania Mancini)

Periferiacapitale is the program for Rome of the Charlemagne foundation. One of the many initiatives supported is Porticiak, a six-day event featuring great cinema, culture and sociality. Stefania Mancini, councilor of the foundation (and president of #Assifero ): «We support or support around 90 interventions in the city. We listened to the territory.” And she adds that «the passion, a term dear to me, towards philanthropy combined with the passion for the rebirth of the city, led us by the hand into the phase of strategic philanthropy»

From 2 to 7 July, the second edition of Porticiak will take place in Rome  : six days of great cinema, culture and sociality at the porticoes of via Monte Cervialto. Among the guests,  Carlo Verdone  and  Matteo Garrone . Organized by the I Portici committee, with the support of the III municipality of Rome capital and the ” periphericapitale ” program of the  Charlemagne foundation , in collaboration with the Brancaleone social center, the Parsec cooperative and the Astracult project, the initiative «was born from the will of a committee of citizens to redevelop an area owned by INPS, left abandoned for too long, thanks to a participatory urban regeneration project”, says  Stefania Mancini , councilor of the Charlemagne foundation, who in this interview with VITA talks about the  Porticiak initiative  and of much more. Mancini is also president of  the Italian Association of Foundations and Philanthropic Bodies – Assifero .

Mancini, can you tell us about Porticiak, underway in Rome?

Porticiak  takes place from 2nd to 7th July, occupies the afternoon and evening slot, takes place in Rome in the III municipality, one of the most important from a numerical point of view and which always has interesting activities from a cultural point of view.

The premise that we as the Charlemagne foundation can enter into this type of activity by providing support, both promotional and material, refers to a practice that we have started in the capital which is to sign, together with the presidents of the municipalities, memoranda of understanding . These protocols see the Charlemagne foundation (private, with a totally charitable and promotional character) submit a text that envisages a typical public-private partnership between the foundation and the presidents of the municipalities.  With the aim of creating an alliance, a debate, a dialogue, a possibility of a further vision of the territory that well involves the Third sector and the expressions of active citizenship within the context of the public-private partnership .

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